May 2018

Dear Kremenets District Friends,

I’m pleased to announce that an updated Revizskie Skazki (Russian Revision List, or census) spreadsheet is available on the KDRG Contributors’ Site.

With records completed previously, we now have available translated and proofed Revision List records for 16,657 Kremenets-district households (76,462 people) in the towns of Annopol, Belozirka, Berezhets, Goshcha, Katerburg, Kilikiev, Kremenets, Kunev, Lakhovtsy, Lanovtsy, Mizhirich, Oleksinets, Ostrog, Pochayev, Podberezhets, Radzivilov, Rokhmanov, Shumsk, Vishnevets, Vyshgorodok, and Yampol. The years of these records vary for the towns; they range from 1816 through 1850.

The proofed records comprise about half of our inventory of translated records. Still to be proofed are about 8,084 data files including 8,936 households (62,052 people).

Thanks to Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP Co-Coordinator Ron Doctor, who persevered in this enormous task. And we thank those of you whose contributions allowed us to acquire and translate this rich source of information on Kremenets-district ancestors. To continue to support us, please see the donation information below.

Volunteer Opportunities

Names and associated towns from the newly proofed records will soon be added to the Indexed Concordance of Personal Names & Town Names, but other tasks remain. We need your help in completing this project—and some of the tasks don’t require the ability to read the Cyrillic alphabet. The tasks are as follows:

If you can help with any of these, please contact Ron Doctor (

Ellen Garshick
Silver Spring, Maryland

Board Member and Yizkor Book Translation Coordinator, Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP
an activity of the Kremenets District Research Group
Researching BAT, AVERBAKH from Kremenets, Shumsk, Katerburg, and Folvarki, Ukraine; GERSHIK, HURWITCH from Staryye Dorogi and Bobruisk, Belarus; ROTHKOPF (ROTKOP), GOLDBERG from Bialystok, Poland, and Baranivichi and Slonim, Belarus